Saturday, April 30, 2011

#29 04/30/2011 Hawthorne Neighborhood

Today was a beautiful day. We met cousins Katy and Aurora for lunch and then decided to take a little walk around the neighborhood. We saw some interesting things!

As Lilly is not much of a hugger, she is seen here leaning really close to this big tree. A few trees down we met this lovely one-eyed squirrel. She was super friendly and let us get so close to her. JJ shared some of his coookie with her.

JJ has an eagle eye for bugs, he spotted this one from far away.

We couldn't pass these flowers without taking a picture!

#28 04/29/2011 About Done

#27 04/28/2011 Blowing Bubbles

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

#26 04/27/2011 Night Flowers

These forget me nots look so beautiful in the twilight, the blue seems to glow.
Alas, the camera doesn't do them justice.

#25 04/26/2011 MJ

Why the long face 'ol girl?

#24 04/25/2011 Through the window-haiku

This is what I saw
Through the window water drops
Now you see it too.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

#23 04/24/2011 Hoppy Easter!

Easter stared with Hugs... Then Candy...

Then food...Then Egg hunting!

Gracie helped JJ.

Aurora was doing a great job!

Thats a keeper!

Hufflepuff even found one.

He was protective of it!

Yay group!Sweet...

Sour pickle Lilly.Jimmie and Baba.

Good Times.

Monday, April 25, 2011

#22 04/23/2011 Preparing for E.B.

It was a beautiful day on Saturday. We took Hufflepuff out to explore the egg hunting grounds.

We all colored eggs.

JJ was coloring on the eggs with a q-tip. Lefty?

Ellie liked that method too.

Everybody was really getting into it.

I love those dyed hands!



#21 04/22/2011 Prickly Purple